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Human Subjects (IRB)

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What's New

Office Hours

The IRB is offering office hours for Non-medical and single IRB (sIRB) related questions; see below table for more information.  If you would like to schedule a meeting outside of the scheduled office hours, contact the below respective email address.

 Single IRB (sIRB)Non-medical
WHOsIRB TeamMichael Levesque, IRB Education Specialist
WHENTuesdays from 12pm to 1pmThursdays from 12pm to 1pm
WHEREJoin Zoom conference HEREJoin Zoom conference HERE

Quick links for researchers

Getting started

Consent Templates, Forms, eProtocol attachments


Basics | Training | Protocol Management | Single IRB | Genomic Data Sharing | Cadavers or Deceased Individuals | Certificate of Confidentiality | GDPR | Other/Special Circumstances