General Questions
What computer/browser should I use?
When will my protocol be reviewed?
What information is specific to Biosafety (APB)?
How do I receive View-All access?
Who can log in?
Anyone with a SUNet ID can login to eProtocol. Access to specific protocols is based on this ID. As an investigator or administrator, you will only be able to access protocols that you are listed on.
What computer/browser should I use?
To access eProtocol, you will need a computer with an internet connection.
Supported browsers: Mozilla Firefox or Chrome
Turn OFF pop-up blockers to use eProtocol.
Please note that Safari can have problems displaying eProtocol, and is not a recommended browser.
How do I see my protocols?
Once logged in to eProtocol, you will see all the protocols in which you are listed as personnel. If you don’t see a protocol on your homepage, that means you are not listed on that protocol. If you need to be listed on a protocol, contact the person in your group/lab who handles eProtocol and ask them to submit a revision to add you as personnel. Click here for detailed instructions.
What training is available?
Please visit our training page for a list of resources. Web-resources and small group training are available.
What is My Dashboard?
My Dashboard is an integrated homepage for eProtocol that will allow researchers to see all of their protocols: IRB, SCRO, APLAC & APB on one screen. It will also feature a list of action items to help you better manage your research protocols. If you cannot see your protocols, you may have to click on "Show Section" in the upper right hand corner of each protocol category to unhide.
When will my protocol be reviewed?
Most new studies take between 4-6 weeks to be approved. Please factor in this review time when you’re getting started. See our meeting schedule for deadlines for each meeting. Contact the panel staff at any time with questions.
What does this acronym mean?
eProtocol has a number of acronyms. Below is a list of some of the more common acronyms and their meaning:
APB - Biosafety
APLAC - Administrative Panel on Labratory Animal Care
CITI - Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
CCTO - Cancer Clinical Trials Office
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IDE - Investigational Device Exemption
MIRD - Medical Internal Radiation Dose
OHRP - Office of Human Research Protections
PHI - Protected Health Information
SCRO - Stem Cell Research Oversight
SPO - Sponsored Projects Number
What information is specific to Biosafety (APB)?
The Biosafety Office has additional information available specific to the eProtocol Biosafety application. Visit the eProtocol Biosafety page to learn more.
How do I receive View-All access?
We now have a streamlined process to request view-all access. Please submit the Qualtrics form listed in the HelpSU.