APLAC Related Questions
What sections of the Pre-Approved procedure need updating when being added?
Can I change the title of a Pre-approved Procedure?
What happens if I try to add a Pre-Approved Procedure with the same name for the same species?
Can I delete an existing Pre-Approved Procedure in my protocol?
Can I delete a procedural step from the Pre-Approved Procedure?
What if I disagree with the Pain Category for a Pre-Approved Procedure?
Where can I find additional information about the APLAC process?
What sections of the Pre-Approved procedure need updating when being added?
Replace the text of the Procedure Description with information relevant to your study to fully describe the purpose of performing the procedure; this should include the specific methods that will be used. To remove methods from the Procedural Steps Table that will not be used, check the box next to each and click Delete at the top right hand corner of the table. Update the Timeline of Subsequent Procedures and/or Point of Euthanasia and Early Euthanasia Criteria to include information specific to the procedure, and complete the Other Compounds/Drugs/Cells Utilized section as applicable.
Can I change the title of a Pre-approved Procedure?
The Procedure Title and Procedure Type of the Pre-Approved Procedure is fixed and cannot be changed. The content of the procedure, e.g., Description, Procedural Steps etc., can be changed.
What happens if I try to add a Pre-Approved Procedure with the same name for the same species?
The system does not allow you to create a duplicate of the same Pre-Approved Procedure in the same species, and you will get an error message at the top of the page alerting you that the procedure already exists.
Why does the procedure list anesthesia, when my lab performs the same procedure in a conscious animal?
The Pre-Approved Procedure content was written, with the approval of our veterinary staff, to reflect how the majority of research groups perform a particular procedure. There are several procedures that give you the option of performing the procedure in an anesthetized animal vs. a conscious animal, so carefully check the titles for the correct procedure. If the way your lab performs a particular procedure differs considerably from the Pre-Approved Procedure, please use the Custom Procedure option in eProtocol.
Can I delete an existing Pre-Approved Procedure in my protocol?
Yes, you can delete an existing Pre-Approved Procedure in your protocol, however, please double check before you delete. If you have made any changes to the existing Pre-Approved Procedure in your protocol, when you delete the procedure, these changes will be lost.
Can I delete a procedural step from the Pre-Approved Procedure?
Yes, you can delete a procedural step from the procedure, however please double check before you delete. If you have made any changes to an existing procedural step, when you delete it, these changes will be lost. Also, please be reminded that any alterations you make to a Pre-Approved Procedure are subject to further review and approval by the APLAC.
While editing a Pre-Approved Procedure, I accidentally deleted an entire section. How do I get it back?
You may be able to cancel without saving your latest edits by clicking on Cancel. If you have saved your work and that option no longer exists, the easiest solution is to go back to the Procedure List, select the procedure you were editing by clicking in the box to the left of the title, then delete it by clicking on Delete. You will need to re-add the procedure in the usual manner.
What if I disagree with the Pain Category for a Pre-Approved Procedure?
The Pain Category will default to the Pain Category that was assigned when the Pre-Approved Procedure was written and approved by the veterinary staff. If you disagree with the assigned category, you can edit it, however, you should include a justification for why you feel a procedure might be more/less painful than the category that was assigned.
Where can I find additional information about the APLAC process?
Please visit the APLAC Protocol FAQs site.