eProtocol Training
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Upcoming Training
The RCO hosts monthly new user training. To see the upcoming training courses and enroll, please click here. If your department has a small group that would like training, feel free to contact the Help Desk to schedule a time for a trainer to come to you.
General Training Materials
IRB New UI Training Video
New updates to IRB and SCRO protocols
eProtocol Advanced Search Video
To see how the Advanced Search feature works, watch this 2-minute video:
Integrated eProtocol Homepage Video
To get an overview of the new eProtocol homepage, watch this 8-minute video. This is a great reference for users just getting started with eProtocol:
IRB/SCRO Training
A selection of presentations to the Stanford research community, and IRB members and staff is available here.
Non-Medical IRB forms
Watch the regular/expedited video here.
Watch the exempt video here.
APLAC Training
eProtocol APLAC System Updates
The eProtocol APLAC system is being updated! This is part of a broader process to upgrade eProtocol. To learn more about the coming changes, please watch this short video:
APB Training
For an overview of the eProtocol APB module watch this presentation: